the beginning is the end is the beginning

march 15th, 2002 / 2:46 p.m.

it's hard to explain in words what one feels when he's constantly shown how little he has in compasrison to everyone else. and don't take this as mean's just me feeling bad for myself.

yea, i have things. and yea, i don't have it all that bad. but it seems to me like you have the world, and i only have a small part of it.

sometimes i wish i didn't have to worry about these things. sometimes i wish i wasn't so petty as to worry about these things. but it's hard when you scrape and claw for everything you own and you see so many other people not having to do anything, and getting everything.

sometimes i wish i had money. it's no fun being lower middle class. it's not fun driving something that at any moment can break down and die on's not fun being jealous of your girlfriend...

