the beginning is the end is the beginning

June 24, 2006 / 10:34 p.m.

i stared out the window
on the drive home from Montreal
thinking of the things that had happened
and the people I had met

I thought about the parking garage we slept in
and the dancing we did
the alcohol consumed
the new friends met
and the girls slept with

it all happens so, that is.
that you're never really sure what memories are worth remembering
and what ones will soon be left behind
we all try so hard to make sure we live
that we forget how to be alive
we lose the ability to be in a moment
and to truly experience it

it's the girl kissing you with with an honesty that disarming
it's drinks with the drunks you call your friends
it walking down a street that you've never been on
it's the possibility in "come visit me in Boston.."

if I could never sleep again
and live every moment of my life
without work, without worries
without rest
I would take the opportunity
and run
like a kid with a kite
never looking back out of regret
only out of endless wonder.

